Edwards Park
8 Turf Fields
115 Edwards Park Entrance
Dalton, GA 30721

Edwards Park Website

Westside Park
4 Turf Fields
1519 Mt. Vernon Road
Rocky Face, GA 30740

Westside Park Website

Riverbend Park
4 Turf Fields
1999 Riverbend Rd.
Dalton, GA 30721

Riverbend Park Website

Tournament Directors

Ashley Boyd
Madison Crownover

All Games are Alliance Fastpitch League Points Eligible

This is an Alliance Points eligible Event. To score your points you must score the game in AthletesGoLive (AGL) in order to receive points. For more information on Alliance points click the link below.

Point Calculations

* Connect Sports Inclement Weather Policy states that if a team plays no games whatsoever, due to weather, they will be entitled to a 25% Refund. If a team is able to participate in a minimum of 1 game, no refunds will be dispersed. View our full Refund / Weather Policy.

** At the request of College Coaches, we do not release a list of Attending Programs prior to the event.

*** Tournament provides all softballs.