Invitations will be sent out once the 2024 National results have been finalized.

Edwards Park
8 Turf Fields
115 Edwards Park Entrance
Dalton, GA 30721

Edwards Park Website

Westside Park
4 Turf Fields
1519 Mt. Vernon Road
Rocky Face, GA 30740

Westside Park Website

Riverbend Park
4 Turf Fields
1999 Riverbend Rd.
Dalton, GA 30721

Riverbend Park Website

* Connect Sports Inclement Weather Policy states that if a team plays no games whatsoever, due to weather, they will be entitled to a 25% Refund. If a team is able to participate in a minimum of 1 game, no refunds will be dispersed. View our full Refund / Weather Policy.

** At the request of College Coaches, we do not release a list of Attending Programs prior to the event.

*** Tournament provides all softballs.

**** All games are Alliance Fastpitch League points eligible.